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Where Are You In Your Weight
Loss Journey?

Wherever you are in your weight loss journey, wanting to improve your overall health is a positive step forward.

This website has been designed to provide information on weight loss surgery.

If you’re not at that stage of your journey, our Weight Loss Support page has some helpful resources. Or you can speak to your GP about treatment options right for you.


Weight Loss Stories

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We understand that trying to lose weight can be frustrating. It is important to remember that through the ups and downs you are not alone. Each person’s journey to weight loss is unique but it can be helpful to hear from other Australians and their individual experience with weight loss surgery.

Watch Australian Weight Loss Stories Here


What Is Obesity?

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Obesity is influenced by many complex factors that may be out of your control – not necessarily the result of poor choices or lack of will power. It’s easy to get caught in a cycle of weight loss and weight regain.1-5

Learn More About Obesity, Why Diet and Exercise Don’t Always Work and Calculate Your BMI


Weight Loss Support

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No matter what stage of the journey you are on, you need support. Our Support page provides resources and links to organisations like the Weight Issues Network, which you can join for free. You can also download our range of educational PDFs to help you navigate weight loss surgery.

Learn More


You Are Not Alone

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Meet Amanda. She has type 2 diabetes and painful joints. Watch Amanda’s story to help understand why losing weight and keeping it o! is more complicated than eating less and exercising more, and how weight loss surgery can help treat obesity in the long-term.

Watch Amanda's Story Here


Weight Loss Surgery

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Treatments for obesity include lifestyle changes (diet and exercise), medications, and weight loss surgery.4,6 If diet and exercise have not worked and you’re ready to know more about weight loss surgery, we can help answer your questions on whether you are eligible for the procedure, talking to your doctor, how you could pay for surgery and what happens afterwards.

Learn More



1. Bray GA, et al. Obes Rev. 2017;18(7):715-723.
2. Caterson ID, et al. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2019;21(8):1914-1924.
3. Das B, Khan OA. Int J Surg. 2019;68:114-116.
4. National Health and Medical Research Council. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of overweight and obesity in adults, adolescents and children in Australia. 2013. Melbourne: National Health and Medical Research Council.
5. Australian & New Zealand Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Society. Obesity: Treatment Options. Available: (accessed May 2021).
6. Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society. The Australian Obesity Management Algorithm. 2020. Available: (accessed May 2021).