COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing

COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing Kits

The COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test is not a substitute for a PCR test, Rapid Antigen testing is only for screening purposes and you should rely on a PCR test if unwell at all. 

This test is only a screening aid in detecting antigen from the SARS-CoV-2 virus in individuals suspected of COVID-19. This product is strictly intended for professional use in laboratory and Point of Care environment. 

What is the difference between nasal and nasypharyngeal tests?

The COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Nasal provides rapid results for fast decision making at the Point of Care. Nasal sampling is less invasive, which can reduce patient discomfort, and minimize the duration of the procedure as well as the risk of sneezing or coughing.

Nasal swab samples may be self-collected by patients under supervision, offering further protection for healthcare professionals.

Rapid Antigen tests do not replace PCR tests, you should always consult your medical professional and get a PCR test if unwell.

Rapid Antigen Testing Procedures

Rapid Antigen Testing Refresher Videos 

These videos do not replace your mandatory training



PanbioTM COVID-19 (nasal) Demo Video


PanbioTM COVID-19 Ag (nasal) Live Action Demo Video




OnSite COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test